Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What really is a blog?

If you are bran new to this topic then make sure you pay close attention, as you are not doing one of the best methods of making money online.

When I first started out online and blogs became popular, I always wondered for the longest time what a blog really is? It wasn’t in tell I bought a program on blogging called, “Blogging for Dollars.” And, boy was I in for a treat.

Not only did this product explain to me what a blog was and what it could do for me but how it can make me money, boost my search engine rankings, and keeping me with the latest money making trends on the internet.

So what is a blog?

A blog is a certain form of website that usually states what’s new, daily tips, articles, and up-to-date information frequently.

Blogs are usually written by one person on a certain topic that they are passionate about and like many which choose if there is market to make money. This new online tool has made another way for certain communities to communicate better with each other, and can be used for websites, audio, photography, and maybe just for personal use.

This new tool has open up new opportunities for relationships and interaction between individuals and businesses for sharing ideas or just working together to better their websites.

Professional, powerful, and well organized but might take a little time to learn and use.

One of the best ways I learned about blogs was visiting several hundred but for you a couple good ones should do. The next step is to start your own blog and experience the power of this technology.

Three types of blogging software I recommend:

Blogger = Free

Very fast, easy, and simple for beginners.

Word Press = Free

Easy and professional with moderate learning curve.

Movable Type = 1-5 users $69.95
Unlimited users $99.95

One of my biggest species of advice for learning more about bogging is to visit several blogs and visit these three software bogging programs for a further education on blogs.

Thank you for reading this post and have a great day!

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